

SAE Indonesia Training Center membuka program Pelatihan Korporat, Kursus Bersertifikat, dan Program Pathway Australia/New Zealand di bidang media kreatif.

Kursus bersertifikat media kreatif yang ditawarkan oleh SAE Indonesia Training Center dirancang khusus untuk perusahaan yang memerlukan pelatihan yang disesuaikan dengan jadwal dan modul mereka. Program ini bertujuan untuk memberikan perusahaan akses ke pembelajaran dalam berbagai aspek media kreatif yang relevan dengan industri, yang dapat meningkatkan keterampilan karyawan dan mendukung tujuan bisnis mereka.

Dengan berpartisipasi dalam kursus ini, perusahaan dan karyawan mereka dapat menguasai keterampilan baru di berbagai bidang media kreatif atau meningkatkan keterampilan yang sudah ada. Ini dapat membantu perusahaan tetap kompetitif di industri yang terus berkembang sambil memastikan karyawan mereka terus berkembang dan memberikan kontribusi maksimal di tempat kerja.


Program Pathway adalah kolaborasi dengan SAE Institute di mana calon mahasiswa dapat menjalani pelatihan dasar di SAE Indonesia sebelum melanjutkan studi ke tingkat Sarjana.

– Durasi Program Pathway: 1 tahun
– Intake: Setiap September

SAE Australia
– Pilihan kampus: Adelaide, Brisbane, Byron Bay, Sydney, Melbourne, dan Perth.
– Pilihan studi: Audio / Film / Animasi
– Durasi program: 24 bulan

SAE New Zealand
– Pilihan kampus: Auckland
– Pilihan studi: Audio / Film
– Durasi program: 20 – 22 bulan


SAE Indonesia Training Center menawarkan pelatihan bersertifikat yang fokus pada media kreatif, dipandu oleh perspektif industri. Dalam kursus ini, peserta akan memiliki kesempatan untuk menguasai keterampilan baru di berbagai bidang media kreatif atau meningkatkan keterampilan yang sudah ada dalam industri.

Dengan berpartisipasi dalam kursus ini, peserta dapat memperoleh pemahaman mendalam tentang praktik terkini, tren, dan teknologi terbaru yang relevan dengan industri media kreatif. Mereka juga akan mendapatkan wawasan berharga tentang kebutuhan dan tuntutan industri, mempersiapkan mereka untuk menjadi lebih kompeten dan kompetitif di pasar kerja yang semakin kompetitif.


Group 4 Pathway Film Australia SAE Indonesia: Pathway Training
SAE Australia: Bachelor of Film
Group 4 Pathway Film New Zealand SAE Indonesia: Pathway Training
SAE New Zealand: Bachelor of Arts in Screen Production
Group Pathway Audio Australia SAE Indonesia: Pathway Training
SAE Australia: Bachelor of Audio
Group Pathway Audio New Zealand SAE Indonesia: Pathway Training
SAE New Zealand: Bachelor of Audio Production or Bachelor of Music Production
Pathway Animation Australia SAE Indonesia: Pathway Training
SAE Australia: Bachelor of Animation
Group 4 Pathway Film Australia SAE Indonesia: Pathway Training
SAE Australia: Bachelor of Film
Group 4 Pathway Film New Zealand SAE Indonesia: Pathway Training
SAE New Zealand: Bachelor of Arts in Screen Production
Group Pathway Audio Australia SAE Indonesia: Pathway Training
SAE Australia: Bachelor of Audio
Group Pathway Audio New Zealand SAE Indonesia: Pathway Training
SAE New Zealand: Bachelor of Audio Production or Bachelor of Music Production
Pathway Animation Australia SAE Indonesia: Pathway Training
SAE Australia: Bachelor of Animation


Group Live Sound Production Start your career in sound production and the live industry by learning sound principles with professional equipment.
Group Mixing & Mastering Enhance your music production results by learning mixing and mastering using industry-standard equipment and software.
Group Studio Recording Learn the process of recording and music production with professional-grade software and industry-standard equipment.
Group Sound System Design & Optimization with SMAART Master the optimization of SMAART software and the practical skills needed to excel in various careers in the audio field.
Group Electronic Music Production Develop your creativity to create music compositions using professional-quality electronic music production techniques.
Group Live Performance with Ableton Live Open up career opportunities in the electronic music industry by deepening your live performance techniques using Ableton Live DAW in just 8 weeks.
Group Sound Design & Synthesis with Ableton Live Explore the utilization of Ableton Live and electronic music instruments for sound design across various platforms.
Group 4 Short Film Production Write your screenplay, understand, and learn the basics of camera, lens, lighting, audio recording equipment, and film editing professionally.
Group 4 Cinematography Develop the aesthetics, techniques, and technology of cinematography, and understand their application in contemporary television and cinema.
Group 4 Video Editing Take on the most important role in the film industry by learning professional editing techniques.
Group 4 Scriptwriting Pour your ideas into a structured screenplay ready to be filmed.
Group 4 Acting for Film Learn and understand the fundamentals of acting with a realist approach for use in film performances.
Digital Imaging & Graphic Design Improve your design skills by learning aesthetics and techniques of visual communication.
Motion Graphics Deepen your knowledge of motion graphics with relevant theory and apply it in the fields of design, advertising, multimedia, games, and film.
3D Visual with Blender Enter the world of 3D animation by bringing your imagination to life. This class will introduce new ways to create and share content using Blender applications.
Music Promotion & Marketing Master music marketing and promotion, such as creating innovative digital campaigns using cutting-edge tools.
Group Live Sound Production Start your career in sound production and the live industry by learning sound principles with professional equipment.
Group Mixing & Mastering Enhance your music production results by learning mixing and mastering using industry-standard equipment and software.
Group Studio Recording Learn the process of recording and music production with professional-grade software and industry-standard equipment.
Group Sound System Design & Optimization with SMAART Master the optimization of SMAART software and the practical skills needed to excel in various careers in the audio field.
Group Electronic Music Production Develop your creativity to create music compositions using professional-quality electronic music production techniques.
Group Live Performance with Ableton Live Open up career opportunities in the electronic music industry by deepening your live performance techniques using Ableton Live DAW in just 8 weeks.
Group Sound Design & Synthesis with Ableton Live Explore the utilization of Ableton Live and electronic music instruments for sound design across various platforms.
Group 4 Short Film Production Write your screenplay, understand, and learn the basics of camera, lens, lighting, audio recording equipment, and film editing professionally.
Group 4 Cinematography Develop the aesthetics, techniques, and technology of cinematography, and understand their application in contemporary television and cinema.
Group 4 Video Editing Take on the most important role in the film industry by learning professional editing techniques.
Group 4 Scriptwriting Pour your ideas into a structured screenplay ready to be filmed.
Group 4 Acting for Film Learn and understand the fundamentals of acting with a realist approach for use in film performances.
Digital Imaging & Graphic Design Improve your design skills by learning aesthetics and techniques of visual communication.
Motion Graphics Deepen your knowledge of motion graphics with relevant theory and apply it in the fields of design, advertising, multimedia, games, and film.
3D Visual with Blender Enter the world of 3D animation by bringing your imagination to life. This class will introduce new ways to create and share content using Blender applications.
Music Promotion & Marketing Master music marketing and promotion, such as creating innovative digital campaigns using cutting-edge tools.

Develop your career in the creative media industry with SAE Indonesia!


The course will be conducted in person (offline) at SAE Indonesia campus with a pre-determined class schedule.

Participants must attend at least 80% of the total program and submit assignments at the end of the course.

Equipment and supporting software during the program will be provided by the SAE campus. Get complete information on each course detail.

The duration, days, and hours have been predetermined and vary for each course. Most classes are held twice a week, and each session will last for 180 minutes.

There will be no makeup sessions.

The confirmed class schedule will be sent no later than 1 day through an email before the class starts.

The certificate will be issued no later than two weeks from the last day of class.

Please register at least 3-7 days before the start of the class. Contact the Admission Team at 087712346567 if you wish to register for a class starting 1-2 days ahead to ensure participation.

For full payment via bank transfer, it can be done directly to the campus. For other payment methods, such as credit cards and 0% installments, transactions can be made through Blibli.